The Essential Tips and Tricks for Adding Character and Layering to Your Room


In interior design, people like to use accent walls because they add character and make the space more interesting. If you want your room to stand out or seem deeper and bigger, there are many ways an accent wall can change how it looks. Explore creative ideas for using bright colors and attractive designs to include accent walls in your home decoration.

Choosing the Right Wall

Before starting on the design of an accent wall, it is necessary to pick the correct wall that will be your main attraction. Usually, you would choose an accent wall because it stands out in a room; for example, this might be the wall at the head of a bed or one that faces where you enter into a living area. When you choose the perfect wall for your accent treatment, think about things like how much sunlight comes in, the design of the building, and where the furniture goes.

Maximizing Storage Space

Walk in closets are very good for making the most of storage space. You can put in shelves, drawers and rods to hang things so that you organize your clothes and other items well, using all the space you have. Think about adding shoe racks that are part of the structure, drawers for keeping jewelry and shelves you can change height to suit what you need to store.

Bold Color Choices

To make an accent wall easily, you can paint it in a strong color that is different from the other walls. Choose bright colors like dark blue, intense red, or lively yellow to stand out. To create a stronger visual impact, you might choose to apply matte paint over the whole feature wall or try using shiny or metallic paints for extra gloss and texture.

Textured Finishes

Besides strong colors, finishes with texture can give dimension and catch the eye when used on feature walls. Try textured paint methods like using a sponge, dabbing or rolling with a rag to produce special effects on the surface that look similar to real materials such as stone or wood. You might also think about using wallpaper that has raised designs or textures with a 3D effect for more interesting touch sensations.

Graphic Patterns

To make an accent wall that stands out, think about using bold graphic patterns that catch the eye. Shapes like geometrics, patterns with V shapes, and designs resembling fish bones are good options for adding visual excitement and a sense of design detail.


Try using strong patterns with different colors to stand out, or choose designs with similar shades for a quieter appearance.

Nature-Inspired Murals

Make the inside of your place beautiful like nature with wall paintings that make you feel calm and peaceful. Think about putting up murals with pictures of countryside views, green plants or creative versions of things from nature like water, sky, or hills. Murals that are inspired by nature don’t just make the space more appealing to look at but also help to produce a tranquil vibe, making the room’s environment better overall.

Gallery Walls

Gallery walls are a great method to display your personal fashion and likes, bringing character to the wall that stands out. Combine different framed art pieces, photos and decorative items for an arranged exhibit that shows off your individual preferences and life stories. Try using various arrangements, types of frames and different sizes of art to make an eye-catching display that becomes the main attraction in your space.

Statement Wallpaper

Make your accent wall stand out by choosing wallpaper with a strong design. You can pick from large flower patterns to striking graphic shapes, giving you many options to bring character and impact into your room. Select a wallpaper style that matches the current decoration and architecture of your room, whether it’s a bold black-and-white pattern or one with colorful plants.

Lighting Effects

Improve your accent wall by using smart lighting to show its design and shape. Put up lights on the walls, adjustable track lights or hidden spotlights for making your accent wall bright and casting strong shadows and light spots. Try changing the positions and strengths of your lights to improve the room’s feeling and mood.


To sum up, accent walls are a flexible way to show your creative side and add some of your own characters to the decoration of your home. You can choose from strong colors, striking designs, or wall paintings inspired by nature; accent walls enable you to give a room your personal touch and draw attention with their appealing look.


If you select a good wall and try various design pieces, also adding lights, your room can change and look more beautiful with an impressive feature wall.

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